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Naršymas, paieška, duomenų, informacijos ir skaitmeninio turinio filtravimas
Duomenų, informacijos ir skaitmeninio turinio vertinimas
Duomenų, informacijos ir skaitmeninio turinio valdymas
Bendravimas naudojant skaitmenines technologijas
Dalijimasis naudojant skaitmenines technologijas
Pilietiškumo ugdymas pasitelkiant skaitmenines technologijas
Bendradarbiavimas naudojant skaitmenines technologijas
Interneto etiketas
Skaitmeninės tapatybės valdymas
Skaitmeninio turinio kūrimas
Skaitmeninio turinio integravimas ir perdirbimas
Autorių teisės ir licencijos
Įrenginio apsauga
Asmens duomenų ir privatumo apsauga
Sveikatos ir gerovės apsauga
Aplinkos apsauga
Techninių problemų sprendimas
Poreikių ir technologinių sprendimų nustatymas
Kūrybiškas skaitmeninių technologijų naudojimas
Skaitmeninių kompetencijų trūkumų nustatymas
Išfiltruoti AŠI
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1. Computer Essentials - Syllabus

This document details the syllabus for ECDL / ICDL Computer Essentials. The syllabus describes, through learning outcomes, the knowledge and skills that a candidate for ECDL / ICDL Computer Essentials should possess. The syllabus also provides the basis for the theory and practice-based test in this module.

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1. Digital Marketing - Syllabus

This document details the syllabus for the Digital Marketing module. The syllabus describes, through learning outcomes, the knowledge and skills that a candidate for the Digital Marketing module should possess. The syllabus also provides the basis for the theory and practice-based test in this module.

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1. Online Collaboration - Syllabus

This module sets out concepts and skills relating to the setup and use of online collaborative tools, such as storage, productivity applications, calendars, social media, web meetings, learning environments, and mobile technology.

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1. Online Essentials - Syllabus

This document details the syllabus for ECDL / ICDL Online Essentials. The syllabus describes, through learning outcomes, the knowledge and skills that a candidate for ECDL / ICDL Online Essentials should possess. The syllabus also provides the basis for the theory and practice-based test in this module.

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1. Spreadsheets Syllabus

This audio video portrays the lecturer delivering the lecture to students.

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10 Basic Netiquette Rules

The rules of etiquette are just as important in the digital world as they are in the real world—and poor netiquette (online etiquette or Internet etiquette) can stick around to haunt you for much longer. Follow these basic rules of netiquette to avoid damaging your online and offline relationships and protect your reputation.

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10 Excel formulių, kurias naudinga žinoti duomenų analitikui

Šiame įraše norima supažindinti su 10 formulių, kurios tikrai palengvins duomenų analitiko darbą. 

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12 pagrindinių Agile metodikos principų, kurie padės pelnyti sėkmę

Agile – tai paprastais principais paremta metodika orientuota į komunikacijos su klientu gerinimą bei efektyvesnį komandinį darbą. Susipažinkite su Agile principais iš arčiau.

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12 Rules for Project Management

 But this set of Project Management rules is valuable guidance to all of us. 

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2. Computer Essentials - quick reference guide

This module sets out essential concepts and skills relating to the use of devices, file creation and management, networks and data security.

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2. Digital Marketing - Quick Reference Guide

This module sets out essential concepts and skills relating to the fundamentals of digital marketing.

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2. Online Collaboration - Quick Reference Guide

This module sets out concepts and skills relating to the setup and use of online collaborative tools, such as storage, productivity applications, calendars, social media, web meetings, learning environments, and mobile technology.

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2. Online Essentials - Quick Reference Guide

This module sets out essential concepts and skills relating to web browsing, effective information search, online communication and e-mail.

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2. Spreadsheets - Quick Reference Guide

This module sets out essential concepts and skills relating to understanding the concept of spreadsheets and using a spreadsheet to produce accurate work outputs.

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3. Computer Essentials E-Notes

The ECDL Computer Essentials module introduces you to the world of computers, ICT, and software, helping you start your journey into using computers and digital devices for work and leisure. Almost every industry in the world utilises computers and digital devices in some way, and having the core skills to complete common technology tasks, is essential for workers.

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3. Digital Marketing - eNotes

With the rapid rise of consumers using the Internet for work, communication, shopping and recreation, virtually every organisation should have an online presence and be effectively leveraging digital marketing opportunities. This means keeping up-to-date with online tools and knowing how to use them to achieve overall business and marketing goals.

ICDL Digital Marketing will guide you through the key skills you need to achieve your digital marketing goals. ICDL Digital Marketing sets out essential concepts and skills relating to the fundamentals of digital marketing, including creating a web presence, optimising content for search engines, using social media platforms, carrying out online marketing across a range of services, as well as monitoring and improving campaigns using analytics.

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3. Online Collaboration - eNotes

Being capable of hosting and taking part in online work sessions and meetings is a core skill for the modern professional. This module covers the key skills needed to understand the main concepts relating to online collaboration and cloud computing. Once you have developed the skills and knowledge set out in this book, you will be in a position to become certified in an international standard in this area -ECDL Online Collaboration.

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3. Online Essentials- eNotes

ECDL Online Essentials establishes the core concepts and skills relating to web browsing, effective information search, online communication and e-mail. Having completed this module you will be able to:

- Understand web browsing and online security concepts;

- Use the web browser and manage browser settings, bookmarks, and web outputs;

- Search effectively for online information and critically evaluate web content;

- Understand key copyright and data protection issues;

- Understand concepts of online communities, communications and e-mail;

- Send, receive e-mails and manage e-mail settings;

- Organise and search e-mails and use calendars.

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3. Spreadsheets - eNotes

This module gives you the skills to operate spreadsheet software, including the most common commercial and open-source offerings.Spreadsheets maintain an important role in business operations, and having the knowledge to utilise their functions, formulas and features is a necessary requirement for any worker. Once you have developed the skills and knowledge set out in this book, you will be in a position to become certified in an international standard in this area -ECDL Spreadsheets.

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4 skaitmeniniai įrankiai naujų idėjų generavimui

4 skaitmeniniai įrankiai naujų idėjų generavimui: Vizualinis minčių žemėlpais, Individuali minčių lietaus sesija, Komandinis idėjų kūrimas virtualioje erdvėje, Efektyvios minčių lietaus technikos.

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4. Computer Essentials - presentation

This presentation prepares the learner for his learning journey, starting from the very basic, so as to accompany him until the finishing of the lesson. 

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4. Digital Marketing - online video

This audio video portrays the lecturer delivering the lecture to students. 

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4. Digital Marketing - presentation

Digital Marketing (aka Internet or online marketing), can be described as the set of techniques and technologies used to promote brands, products and services to consumers over a range of online channels.​

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4. Excel Video Lecture
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4. IT Security - Presentation

This presentation guides and accompanies the learner throughout his learning journey, starting from the very basic, until the end of the lesson.

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4. Online Collaboration - Presentation

This presentation guides and accompanies the learner throughout his learning journey, starting from the very basic, until the end of the lesson.

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4. Online Essentials Presentations

This presentation prepares the learner throughout his learning journey, starting from the very basic, so as to accompany him until the end of the lesson. 

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4. Spreadsheets - online video

This audio video portrays the lecturer delivering the lecture to students. 

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5 kibernetinio saugumo tendencijos: ko laukti 2023-iaisiais?

Greitai vystantis tiek saugumo, tiek programišių naudojamoms technologijoms, kibernetinio saugumo industrija išlieka viena labiausiai nenuspėjamų.

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5 nuotolinio darbo pamokos

Ką turėtume daryti dabar, kai jau galime grįžti į biurus? Grįžti į biurą? Dirbti tiktai nuotoliniu būdu? O gal pasitelkti hibridinį darbo modelį?

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5 Pasikartojančios duomenų mokslininkų klaidos

Susipažinkite su duomenų mokslu ir išgirskite, kokias pasikartojančias klaidas daro šios profesijos atstovai ir kaip kaip tų klaidų reikėtų išvengti.

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5. Computer Essentials - Video Lecture

This audio video portrays the lecturer delivering the lecture to students. 

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5. Online Collaboration - Video

This audio video portrays the lecturer delivering the lecture to students. 

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7 kompiuterio įgūdžiai, kurie turėtų būti kiekviename CV

Pagrindinius darbo kompiuteriu įgūdžius galima lengvai įgyti ir tobulinti, o daugelis kompanijų dabar siūlo vidinius mokymo kursus, kad jų darbo jėga būtų kuo greitesnė.

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7 patarimai pradedančiajam duomenų analitikui

Kaip naujokei išvengti jausmo, kad nieko nemoka - patarimai pradedančiajai duomenų analitikei

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8 priežastys rinktis Tableau

Šiame įraše plačiau pasakojama, kodėl kiekvienam esamam ar būsimam duomenų analitikui verta rinktis Tableau.

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Asociatyvinis Qlik duomenų modelis

Asociatyvinis duomenų indeksavimas ir dinaminiai skaičiavimo algoritmai yra asociatyvinio Qlik duomenų modelio pagrindas.

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Brainstorming techniques to create new innovative ideas

Video about different brainstorming techniques to solve problems and create ideas. “Brainstorming is a good way to pick a lot of thoughts quickly and intuitively. It's best to do this with a group of diverse people, so you have lots of different brains to explore”

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Būdai, kaip besiskundžiančius klientus paversti laimingais

Svarbu mokėti ne tik kokybiškai aptarnauti klientą, bet ir mokėti susidoroti su nemaloniomis situacijomis.

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Color combinations and how to apply them

When it comes to design, finding the perfect color combination can be your winning secret to having an eye-catching creation. You could say, it’s one of the most important steps in creating a polished look. In the material you will find information about the basics of color theory and color combinations.

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Computing - Teacher Handbook

The ECDL Computing module sets out the skills and competences relating to computational thinking and coding and will guide you through the process of problem solving and creating simple computer programs. Based on the ECDL Computing syllabus, this module will help you understand how to use computational thinking techniques to identify, analyse and solve problems, as well as how to design, write and test simple computer programs using well structured, efficient and accurate code.

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Computing eNotes

The ECDL Computing module sets out the skills and competences relating to computational thinking and coding and will guide you through the process of problem solving and creating simple computer programs. Based on the ECDL Computing syllabus, this module will help you understand how to use computational thinking techniques to identify, analyse and solve problems, as well as how to design, write and test simple computer programs using well structured, efficient and accurate code.

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Computing Presentation

This presentation guides and accompanies the learner throughout his learning journey, starting from the very basic, until the end of the lesson.

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Computing Syllabus

This module sets out essential concepts and skills relating to the ability to use computational thinking and coding to create simple computer programs.

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Creating Digital content

In the realm of online business, digital content should be developed in a way to get new customers, users, and views. Learning material topics: Context and formats of digital content to support entrepreneurship; Creating presentations; Creating and editing simple photo and video content; Developing simple infographics; Introduction to principles and tools for webpage development; Publishing, storing and sharing digital content and Intellectual property rights.

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The Cybersecurity course builds on the general notion of risk online and associated concepts (asset, vulnerability, threat, impact) to drive a general approach to securing one’s digital life. It provides learners with the necessary information to grasp the threats around their digital activities, as well as define appropriate and proportional countermeasures to address those threats. Sign-up for free with Google.

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Dalykinis bendravimas telefonu - praktiniai patarimai

Dalykinis bendravimas turi daugybę subtilybių, kurios kartais pakiša koją…

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Data analysis process

What is the data analysis process? What steps are involved, and how do they relate to the wider discipline of data analytics? In this video, you will find a step-by-step guide to the process, detailing each stage and where it fits into a data analyst’s work!

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Data Protection - eNotes

The ECDL Data Protection module sets out essential knowledge relating to data protection concepts and principles, data subject rights, the implementation of data protection policies and measures, and regulatory compliance.

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Data Protection - Presentation

This presentation guides and accompanies the learner throughout his learning journey, starting from the very basic, until the end of the lesson.

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Data Protection - Quick Reference Guide

This module sets out essential knowledge relating to data protection concepts and principles, data subject rights, the implementation of data protection policies and measures, and regulatory compliance.

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Data Protection - Syllabus

This document details the syllabus for the Data Protection module. The syllabus describes, through learning outcomes, the knowledge and skills that a candidate for the Data Protection module should possess. The syllabus also provides the basis for the theory and practice-based test in this module.

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Design thinking

The guide describes the entire design thinking process, offers methods for learning the different steps of the process and describes 6 practical examples of application. The manual is complemented by guidelines that allow trainers to try out the design thinking process described in the examples with their own team in order to implement the method in their own organisation or network.

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Detalus interneto svetainės kūrimo planas

Dauguma e. komercijos naujokų yra bent kartą susimąstę apie interneto svetainės kūrimą. Tai yra svarbu sėkmingai verslo reprezentacijai, todėl šiame straipsnyje aptariami skirtingi svetainių kūrimo metodai ir jų principai.

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Duomenų analizė programoje „Excel“

Straipsnyje aptariama funkcija „Analizuoti duomenis“.

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Duomenų valdymas ir saugumas su Power BI

Pažintis „Power BI“ platforma: iš kokių elementų iš tiesų susideda ši platforma, kokį duomenų valdymo modelį ji įgalina ir kaip užtikrinti duomenų bendrinimo saugumą ir konfidencialumą organizacijos viduje?

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Duomenų valdymas: ES keitimosi duomenimis taisyklių svarba

Duomenų valdymo aktu siekiama paskatinti keitimąsi duomenimis ES, kad startuoliai ir verslai turėtų prieigą prie daugiau duomenų, kuriuos galėtų panaudoti naujų produktų ir paslaugų kūrimui.

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Easy coding – the basics of working with Pixilr

The material focus on development of knowledge and skills of the basics of image processing, implementation of creative IT projects and presenting their results. Learners will learn about: Creating and editing simple photo and video content: Creating and editing digital photos; Most common editing tasks: framing, capturing, slide shows, adding text etc.; Hosting photographs.

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Efektyvūs klientų aptarnavimo įrankiai

Siekiant patobulinti klientų aptarnavimo kokybę ir pagerinti verslo rezultatus, verta pasitelkti ir išmanius skambučių valdymo įrankius. 

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Efektyvus problemų sprendimas komandoje

Išugdžius platesnį ir progresyvesnį požiūrį bei turint tinkamus įrankius, klaidos ir nesėkmės virsta neįkainojamomis patirties pamokomis ir net galimybėmis.

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Empatija versle, arba kodėl būtina girdėti savo klientą?

Kiekvienas klientas ir situacija yra individuali, todėl svarbu visada išklausyti klientą, parinkti jam tinkamiausią sprendimą.

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Erdvinių duomenų valdymas ArcGIS Pro

Seminare pristatoma, kaip kuriami erdvinių duomenų rinkiniai, pateikiama praktinių patarimų ir pavyzdžių, kaip kurti duomenų struktūras, skirtas kasdieniams GIS uždaviniams spręsti.

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Essential skills for a customer success manager

How to find a suitable employee? What qualifications you need to look for into a customer success manager, what business processes they cover? 

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Excel Data Analytics Full Course

Essential Skills For Data Analysis In Excel. This Excel Data Analytics Full Course video will help you understand the various crucial functions available in Excel, such as lookup, H lookup, sumif/s, counif/s, iferror, and others. Finally, you will see how to use the Data Analysis Toolpak to perform various data analysis operations. 

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Exploring Zoom for communicating with video

The material covers the use of the ZOOM tool for video conferencing - what is ZOOM, how to use it, how to create meetings, how to connect and many other practical issues.

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Free Graphic Design Software

Free and open-source graphic design software are powerful and they offer great tools and features like the paid ones. however not all of them have the same features and they vary in their ease of use or complexity. Tools included: PaintNet, PhotoScape, Vectr, Krita, Gravit Designer, Inkscape, Gimp.

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Gamybos analitika su Power BI

Vaizdo įraše pristatoma kaip analitikos sistema gali pasitarnauti gamybos įmonėje. 

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Get Smarter

An introductory guide meant to maximise the use of he Smartphone, with not so techy audience

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Get Smarter guide for smartphones

The Smartphone Guide is designed to help smartphone users make the most of their smartphones. The curriculum covers topics such as how to use the features available on your smartphone, how to communicate with other smartphone users and tips for browsing the internet.

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Get to know the digital job of the future: Civil Engineer

Today, many people working in ICT urgently need to upgrade and re-skill their digital skills. The e-resource pack "Skills for Sustainable Innovation" - a series of e-books on the key digital jobs the ICT sector will need in the future. Get to know the profession: Civil Engineer

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Get to know the digital job of the future: Industrial Engineer

Today, many people working in ICT urgently need to upgrade and re-skill their digital skills. The e-resource pack "Skills for Sustainable Innovation" - a series of e-books on the key digital jobs the ICT sector will need in the future. Get to know the profession: industrial engineer

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Get to know the digital job of the future: Mechatronics Engineer

Today, many people working in ICT urgently need to upgrade and re-skill their digital skills. The e-resource pack "Skills for Sustainable Innovation" - a series of e-books on the key digital jobs the ICT sector will need in the future. Get to know the profession: Mechatronics Engineer

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Get to know the digital job of the future: Systems Engineer

Today, many people working in ICT urgently need to upgrade and re-skill their digital skills. The e-resource pack "Skills for Sustainable Innovation" - a series of e-books on the key digital jobs the ICT sector will need in the future. Get to know the profession: Systems Engineer

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GIMP in 20 minutes

Crash course on how to use GIMP explaining most of the basic tools for every day image and graphic editing usage. This guide is especially made for beginners who have little experience in other image editing programs like photoshop.

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GIMP Tutorial

GIMP provides plenty of tools and resources to take any image and add your own professional touch. Those in web design, graphic artists, and amateur photographers will find that GIMP is a great program that can easily accommodate their image enhancing needs. In the tutorial you will find information about GIMP tools, how to use it.

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Google analytics from a WordPress perspective

Understanding Google Analytics is the first step towards a more complete understanding of your website and its visitors. In this tutorial, author tries to show you the basics, and introduce to the world of Google Analytics from a WordPress perspective.

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Google Analytics Tutorial 2022

In this Google Analytics tutorial, you will walk through the steps to get up and running with Google Analytics 4 (GA4) which is the new version of Google Analytics. You will learn how to create an account and property, all about the reports, how to create your own custom exploration reports, configuration options, and how to install the GA4 tag using Google Tag Manager.

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Graphic Design Trends

Want to produce something amazing but just don't have the time to put it all together? Take the fuss out of creative production with a subscription to Envato Elements. With unlimited access to all the digital creative assets and templates you could ever possibly need, you can streamline your workflow to produce better content quicker!

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Hands-On Power BI Tutorial

This full free class is designed for those who have little experience with Power BI to give a better understanding of how end-to-end solutions can be designed. This course covers how to load data with Power BI Desktop, how to use some basic DAX, and create amazing visualizations on your data.

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Hanna CRM - Kaip pradėti naudotis sistema

 Video apie pagrindinius veiksmus, kuriuos reikėtų atlikti pradedant naudotis Hanna CRM sistema.

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How to animate anything in Blender

Video about how to animate 3D graphics in program Blender. In this tutorial participants will learn 4 different ways to animate in Blender, with tips and tricks on how to improve animations. 

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How to become a data analyst

A step-by-step guide: Get a foundational education; Build your technical skills; Work on projects with real data; Develop a portfolio of your work; Practice presenting your findings; Get an entry-level data analyst job; Consider certification or an advanced degree.

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How to use Microsoft Power BI

In this step-by-step tutorial video, learn how to get started using Microsoft Power BI. Power BI allows you to get insight from your business data. This is an introductory overview of Power BI to get you started.

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How To Use TRELLO for Beginners

This material will be useful if you want to increase your productivity using a project management tool. In this metrial you will learn about one of the management tools - Trello. Here's how to use Trello for beginners. 

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How to write a cover letter

This presentation offers tips and advice on how to write a cover letter. In the cover letter, you introduce yourself to the hiring manager, present your achievements and qualifications, and explain your motivation to join the company. It will include:

● What is it

● Why write one

● Dos & don'ts

● What do you need to write

● What is a UVP - Unique Value Proposition

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How to write an interview-winning CV

This presentation offers useful writing tips and best practices for creating stronger and more effective Curriculum Vitae (CV). It includes:

● The Journey of a CV to an interview

● ATS - Applicant Tracking Systems

● Dos & don'ts

● How to stand out from the crowd

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HTML pradžiamokslis

Svetainėje pateikiamas išsamus HTML pradžiamokslis.

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ICT and online security

Information security is related to computer security. Information protection can be achieved by realizing protection against computer viruses and hackers, computer damage, by granting passwords and restricting access rights, and regular duplication of important data. Using this study material, you will acquire knowledge and skills about these issues.

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IKANOS self-assessment tests

The IKANOS self-assessment tests are designed for different audiences to assess digital competences according to the five areas of the DigComp 2.2 European digital competences framework for citizens.

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Iki 2026 metų svarbiausi valstybės valdomi duomenys bus integruoti į bendrą duomenų ežerą

Šioje erdvėje duomenys valdomi nuo pradžios – jų surinkimo – iki pabaigos – panaudojimo teisėtiems tikslams ir atvėrimo Lietuvos atvirų duomenų portale.

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Image Editing - eNotes

This ECDL Image Editing module enables you to understand the main concepts underlying digital images and how to use image editing software. You will learn how to enhance images, apply effects, and prepare an image for printing and publishing.

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Image Editing - Quick Reference Guide

This module sets out essential concepts and skills relating to the ability to understand the main concepts underlying digital images and to use an image editing application to enhance images, apply effects, and prepare an image for printing and publishing.

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Image Editing Presentation

This presentation guides and accompanies the learner throughout his learning journey, starting from the very basic, until the end of the lesson.

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Image Editing Syllabus

This module sets out essential concepts and skills relating to the ability to understand the main concepts underlying digital images and to use an image editing application to enhance images, apply effects, and prepare an image for printing and publishing.

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Informacijos surinkimas iš „giliojo“ interneto su Python

Šios vaizdo pamokos metu bus skaitoma iš „giliojo“ interneto. Paviršinis internetas, kuriame karaliauja paieškos varikliai (Google, Bing ir kiti), sudaro tik maždaug 4% viso interneto turinio, o 90% norimo turinio guli būtent „giliajame“.

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Inovatyvus projektų valdymas

Inovatyvių projektų valdymo metodikų įgyvendinimui komandose dažniausiai yra naudojama vienokia ar kitokia programinė įranga.

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Interneto etiketas: dešimt svarbių taisyklių bendraujant virtualiai

Interneto etiketas (angl. netiquette) – tai tinkamo nuotolinio bendravimo taisyklių rinkinys. Virginia Shea savo knygoje „Netiquette“ įvardija 10 taisyklių, kurių svarbu laikytis komunikuojant internete.

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Interneto svetainės kūrimas: nuo ko pradėti?

Šiais resursų optimizavimo laikais mažiausia, ką turite žinoti prieš pradėdami projektą, – kam jis reikalingas ir pagal kokius kriterijus jį vertinsite. Ne išimtis ir interneto svetainių kūryba. Šis straipsnis atkreipia dėmesį į svarbius interneto svetainių kūrimo aspektus.

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Interneto svetainių dizaino tendencijos 2023 metams

Interneto svetainių dizaino tendencijos keičiasi nuolat. Todėl nenuostabu, kad kadaise buvę naujoviški dizaino elementai ir funkcijos šiuo metu yra atgyvena.

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Interneto svetainių kūrimo etapai

7 žingsnių svetainės kūrimo planas: nuo informacijos rinkimo iki priežiūros

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IT Fitness self-assessment test

The IT Association of Slovakia (ITAS) has developed a self-assessment test of digital skills and knowledge called "IT Fitness".  The test is available in two difficulty levels. The questions in both levels include digital skills assessments on 5 different topics: Internet, Computer Systems and Security, Complex Tasks, Office Tools, Collaboration Tools and Social Networks. 

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IT Security - eNotes

This module highlights skills and knowledge relating to the importance of secure information and data, physical security, privacy and identity theft. At the end of this module you will be able to demonstrate competency in these areas, and carry out your online activities in a safe manner. Once you have developed the skills and knowledge set out in this book, you will be in a position to become certified in an international standard in this area – ECDL IT Security.

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IT Security - Quick Reference Guide

This module sets out concepts relating to the secure use of ICT in daily life and skills used to maintain a secure network connection, use the Internet safely and securely, and manage data and information appropriately.

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IT Security Syllabus

This module sets out concepts relating to the secure use of ICT in daily life and skills used to maintain a secure network connection, use the Internet safely and securely, and manage data and information appropriately

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Ką būtent turi mokėti PHP programuotojas?

Norint išmokti kurti web-projektus, neužtenka vien tik PHP kalbos. Aplink ją dar yra daugybė dalykų, kurie apkalbami šiame vaizdo įraše bei kuriuos reikia išmokti.

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Kaip naudotis „Zoom“ programa?

Vaizdo konferencijos – kone būtina darbo nuotoliniu būdu priemonė.

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Kaip sukurti drobės programą su „Power BI” vaizdiniu elementu

„Microsoft Power BI“ yra efektyvi analizės ir vizualizacijos priemonė.

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Kaip sukurti profesionalią internetinę parduotuvę nemokamai

Šiame vaizdo įraše pristatoma, kaip sukurti profesionalią internetinę parduotuvę nemokamai.

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Kaip susikurti internetinį puslapį su WordPress?

Šiame vaizdo įraše sužinosi, kaip sukurti internetinę svetainę su WordPress nuo pat pradžių.

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Kas yra Agile?

Agile – principų rinkinys, orientuotas į komunikacijos su klientu gerinimą ir efektyvesnį procesų organizavimą komandose.

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Kas yra CRM - klientų valdymo sistema

Klasikiniu būdu CRM suskaičiuoja ir primena apie visą komunikaciją, kurią jūs įmonės vardu teikiate savo klientams – visus skambučius, susitikimus ir atliekamas darbo užduotis.

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Kas yra SQL ir kur tai galima panaudoti?

Šioje nuorodoje aprašoma SQL, struktūruota užklausų kalba, t. y. ji yra skirta „bendrauti“ su duomenų baze. Naudojant SQL galima sukurti ir valdyti duomenų bazėje esančią informaciją pagal savo poreikius.

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Kas yra WordPress? Aiškus gidas su svetainių pavyzdžiais

Daug žmonių pasirenka WordPress todėl, kad galima savarankiškai ir nemokamai susikurti profesionaliai atrodančią svetainę ar el. parduotuvę.

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Klientų aptarnavimo standartas

Standarte pateikiami Darbuotojų elgesio principai, normos ir praktika bendraujant su Klientais bei atitinkamų aptarnavimo sąlygų reikalavimai, kurių privalo laikytis kiekvienas Klientą aptarnaujantis Darbuotojas

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Klientų aptarnavimo telefonu tvarkos aprašas

Klientų aptarnavimo telefonu ir internetinės telefonijos pagalba tvarkos aprašo ir telefonu ir internetinės telefonijos pagalba aptarnaujamų asmenų autentifikavimo taisyklių patvirtinimas

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Klientų valdymo sistema

Ši sistema apima svarbiausius su klientų aptarnavimu ir įmonės veikla susijusius aspektus. Taigi šis sistemos sprendimas leidžia optimizuoti įmonės darbuotojų veiklą bei sukurti pelningus santykius su įmonės klientais.

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Komunikacija su klientais

„LiveAgent“ yra komunikacijos su klientais valdymo programinė įranga, leidžianti jūsų klientų aptarnavimo atstovams išspręsti visas užklausas vienoje vietoje.

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Mokslinių duomenų valdymas: kas tai ir kam to reikia?

MDV apima veiklas ir procesus, susijusius su duomenų rinkimu, apdorojimu, ilgalaikiu išsaugojimu, prieiga ir pakartotiniu panaudojimu. Šie procesai gali būti suskirstyti į keletą etapų, apibūdinančių duomenų gyvavimo ciklą.

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MySQL - The Basics

 Learn the basics of relational databases by recreating company's database with raw SQL.

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Online Collaboration - eNotes

This module covers the key skills needed to understand the main concepts relating to online collaboration and cloud computing. Once you have developed the skills and knowledge set out in this book, one will be in a position to become certified in this area.

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Password Checkers and Managers

Resorce explains how he uses free apps to check the strength of passwords and to store the complicated passwords recommended by password managers.

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Per projektų valdymą – į lyderystę ir sėkmę

Pateikiamos naujos gairės projektų valdyme, kaip pereiti nuo efektyvaus prie produktyvaus darbo.

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Photo editing with Microsoft Photo

The webinar covers the free Microsoft photo tool, how to apply basic image processing options.

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PHP sintaksė

PHP kodas yra vykdomas serveryje ir grynas HTML rezultatas yra pateikiamas naršyklėje.

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Pokalbių robotų sukūrimas „Power Apps“

„Power Virtual Agents“ leidžia jums greitai sukurti ir palaikyti protingus pokalbių robotus naudojant sąsają be kodo.

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Powerful features Excel has to offer to analyze data

Wiki-style tutorial with step-by-step instructions on how to analyse data using Excel. The tutorial includes figures with explanations.

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Presentations - eNotes

The ability to create and deliver an engaging presentation is a vital component of your work, particularly if you are expected to communicate information and ideas to others. With ECDL Presentation you will learn how to comfortably utilise presentation software and will be provided with the tools to develop your presentation skills.

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Presentations - Presentation

This presentation guides and accompanies the learner throughout his learning journey, starting from the very basic, until the end of the lesson.

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Presentations - Quick Reference Guide

This module requires the candidate to demonstrate competence in using presentation software.

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Productive Online Meetings

7 Powerful Tips for Highly Productive Online Meetings. Find out: How to make an online meeting fun; How to hold productive online meetings; Popular online meeting platforms (Zoom, Google Meet, GoToMeeting; Microsoft Teams).

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Project Evaluation Review Technique (PERT)

The Project Evaluation Review Technique, or PERT, is used to identify the time it takes to finish a particular task or activity.

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Project management

An introduction to project management in the form of a presentation. You will learn about common project terminology and see different examples of projects. Learning outcome: Understand the Project development /project methodology and how that will help develop digital heritage.

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Projekto komandos bendradarbiavimas

Efektyvaus darbo komandoje gairės supažindina, kaip galima įtraukti bei motyvuoti komandos narius, kaip elgtis vadovaujant komandai, kaip komunikuoti projekto eigoje bei didinti darbo efektyvumą.

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Projekto valdymas

Šioje temoje pateikta informacija padės valdyti projektus ir pritaikyti metodus bei įrankius, reikalingus visam projektų gyvavimo ciklui.

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Projektų vadovas – lyderis?

Apie tai, ar projektų vadovas gali būti lyderiu, vaizdo įraše kalba Skirmantas Gricius, projektų vadovas.

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Projektų valdymas

Ši prezentacija supažindina su svarbiausiais projektų valdymo aspektais bei praktiniais patarimais.

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Projektų valdymo vadovas pradedantiesiems

Projektų valdymas yra nepaprastai svarbus verslo sėkmės veiksnys. Sistemingas visų proceso dalių stebėjimas gali būti naudingas kiekvienai organizacijai, sprendžiančiai problemą ar vykdančiai užduotį. 

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SCRUM metodo taikymo galimybės

SCRUM – tai lanksčiojo programavimo projektų valdymo metodas, kuris paremtas efektyviu projekte dalyvaujančios komandos bendradarbiavimu. 

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Šiuolaikinė duomenų analitika - kaip atsikratyti priklausomybės nuo Excel

Internetinis seminaras skirtas duomenų analitikos entuziastams, siekiantiems geriau suprasti duomenų analitikos bei duomenų mokslo sritį.

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Skaitmeninio turinio kūrimas internetinėmis priemonėmis

Šioje paskaitoje pateikiamos instrukcijos ir patarimai, kaip kurti turinį skaitmeninėje erdvėje, pasitelkiant reikiamus įrankius.

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The 8 Must-Have Tools for Flawless Customer Success

In this video, the lecturer is going to share the 8 tools that you need for your customer success process.

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The data protection principles of the GDPR

The principles of GDPR explained crisp and simple. "Ban subject to permission", "Purpose limitation", "Storage limitation", "Data minimisation" In addition to these principles, the EU General Data Protection Regulation also addresses the rights of data subjects whose data is being collected and processed. 

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The Logo Design Process

In Tutorial, you will get through a full logo design project, from start to finish.

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The Modern JavaScript Tutorial

How it's done now. From the basics to advanced topics with simple, but detailed explanations.

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The SQL Tutorial for Data Analysis

This tutorial is designed for people who want to answer questions with data.

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Tinklinio planavimo uždaviniai

Organizuojant darbų projektus, vis dažniau naudojamas tinklinio planavimo metodas. Jis ypač naudingas, planuojant sudėtingą darbų kompleksą.

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Tools to Create an Infographic

Infographics are such a fun and effective visual way to display information. There are so many tools being released every day allowing us to easily create better and better images— including infographics—to share and use in our marketing efforts. The material examines the 12 best tools for creating infographics.

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Top 10 Data Analytics Tools

In this article, you will find overview about the following Data Analytics Tools: R and Python; Microsoft Excel; Tableau; RapidMiner; KNIME; Power BI; Apache; Spark; QlikView; Talend; Splunk.

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Top free Antivirus software

The material describes the 10 best antivirus programs that are free to download. Each tool is described with both pros and cons.

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Trello naudojimas

Trello yra internetinis sąrašų sudarymo ir planavimo įrankis.

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Using artificial intelligence in education

The European Commission published ethical guidelines for educators on the use of artificial intelligence in education. They dispel widespread misconceptions about AI. The Ethical Guidelines are an action of the Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027.

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Using Creative Commons content

This material includes a free online tutorial on how to use CC content and where to search for Creative Commons images or videos.

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Using Databases - eNotes

This module covers the key functions and characteristics of databases and how to organise and operate them. Once you have developed the skills and knowledge set out in this book, you will be in a position to become certified in an international standard in this area - ECDL Using Databases.

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Using Databases - Presentation

This presentation guides and accompanies the learner throughout his learning journey, starting from the very basic, until the end of the lesson.

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Using Databases - Quick Reference Guide

This module sets out essential concepts and skills relating to understanding the concept of a database and demonstrating competence in using a database application.

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Using Databases - Syllabus

This module sets out essential concepts and skills relating to understanding the concept of a database and demonstrating competence in using a database application.

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Using Databases - Video

This video guides and accompanies the learner throughout his learning journey, starting from the very basic, until the end of the lesson.

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UX UI dizainas

Užmegzti ir stiprinti ryšį su lankytojais pasitelkiamas UX UI dizainas, užtikrinantis geriausią įmanomą vartotojo patirtį.

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Vartotojas pasikeitė, bet ar drauge su juo keičiasi kliento aptarnavimas?

Visuomenė sparčiai skaitmenizuojasi, tad keičiasi vartotojai ir jų elgesys. Šiame šaltinyje nagrinėjama, kaip keitėsi klientų aptarnavimo kultūra, būdai, ar verslas prisitaiko prie inovatyvių, greitų, sumanių savo klientų?

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Verslo analitikos priemonių taikymas duomenų analizei

 Šiame dokumente nagrinėjama verslo analitika ir verslo analitikos įrankių taikymas duomenų analizei.

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Web Editing - eNotes

This ECDL Image Editing module enables you to understand the main concepts underlying digital images and how to use image editing software. You will learn how to enhance images, apply effects, and prepare an image for printing and publishing.

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Web Editing - Presentation

This presentation guides and accompanies the learner throughout his learning journey, starting from the very basic, until the end of the lesson.

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Web Editing - Quick Reference Guide

This module sets out essential concepts and skills relating to the ability to understand the main concepts underlying digital images and to use an image editing application to enhance images, apply effects, and prepare an image for printing and publishing.

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Web Editing - Syllabus

This module sets out essential concepts and skills relating to the ability to understand the main concepts underlying digital images and to use an image editing application to enhance images, apply effects, and prepare an image for printing and publishing.

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Web programavimas - HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Vaizdo įraše pristatoma HTML, CSS, JS sujungimas ir pagrindinės žymės. 

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What is a password and why it is important?

In this material you will find out information about five rules about passwords security everyone should follow

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What is backup and why is it important?

Backups are important because they allow the restoring of files and data that are lost or stolen. The material describes 3 practical rules to follow.

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What is Data Analysis: Methods, Process and Types

Table of content: What Is Data Analysis? Why is Data Analysis Important? What Is the Data Analysis Process? What Is the Importance of Data Analysis in Research? What is Data Analysis: Types of Data Analysis.

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What is Data Protection and why do you need it?

Data protection comes down to one process: safeguarding important information. Data can be corrupted, compromised, and lost, and as data grows, developing and executing effective strategies for maintaining data availability and integrity become paramount for businesses. The material examines the data protection system.

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What is privacy and why it is important?

We all love to share stuff about our life and talk to our friends and loved ones online. The problem is that the internet is open to everyone, and some people can use this online information for malicious purposes. Therefore, it is important to value and protect our online privacy. In this material you will find out information about two important privacy rules and some techie recommendations.

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What is Waterfall Project Management?

Waterfall Project Management is a specific approach to tackling a project. It is linear and follows a series of stages or phases.

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WordPress mokymai: Elementor įskiepio naudojimas

Kaip įdiegti ir naudotis WordPress Elementor įskiepiu vizualiam turinio redagavimui.

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WordPress Tutorial For Beginners

Building a website is one of the most fascinating areas in the online world, as it has allowed just about anyone the ability to craft their own site.

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WordPress žymos

„Žymos“ yra funkcija, leidžianti sugrupuoti įrašus ar puslapius.

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Žmonių ir technologijų sąveika - klientų aptarnavimo ateitis

Daugybei paslaugų tapus nuotolinėmis – ar nuotolinėmis su tam tikromis kontaktinio aptarnavimo išimtimis – išaugo ir klientų reiklumas.

Grįžti į viršų

Projektas finansuojamas

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Projektas Nr.2017-1-094 "JAUNOSIOS-IKT MOTERYS: Inovatyvūs sprendimai kaip padidinti mergaičių ir jaunų moterų integraciją į skaitmeninę visuomenę.” vykdomas iš 2.714.304 € fondo, finansuojamo Islandijos, Lichtenšteino ir Norvegijos per EEA ir Norvegijos Fondą Jaunimo Užimtumo Skatinimui. Pagrindinis projekto tikslas yra ugdyti jaunų moterų, kurioms gresia atskirtis nuo darbo rinkos, skaitmenines kompetencijas, taip gerinant jų įsidarbinimo galimybes. Pagrindinis projekto tikslas yra ugdyti jaunų moterų, kurioms gresia atskirtis nuo darbo rinkos, skaitmenines kompetencijas, taip gerinant jų įsidarbinimo galimybes.

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